Monday, October 22, 2012

The Guy Who Was The Voice of Roger Rabbit

The next suspect is the guy who did the voice of Roger Rabbit. In Zodiac, he worked at a movie theater, though I forget his name or why Jake Gyllenhaal suspected him. Anyway, remember how the Zodiac killer referenced a basement in one of his DEMENTED letters?! This guy had a basement! And, according to Zodiac the movie, not a lot of houses in California have basements! And let's not forget that his handwriting matched the handwriting in the letters. I'm sorry, but that's one coincidence too many -- this guy must have done it! Sorry, Mr. Rabbit, but where you're going (jail), they don't serve carrots!

How can you sleep at night, you monster?!?!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Arthur Leigh Allen

The first suspect you have to consider is Arthur Leigh Allen. I mean, did you even SEE Zodiac, the movie? All signs point to this guy being the killer! I think he knew one of the people who died, and that guy at the very end even identified him! And if I recall correctly -- and I might have this wrong, I haven't rewatched Zodiac recently -- he maybe knew something about codes (like how the Zodiac letters were in code) from his time in the Navy, and I think he also had boots that matched the boot tracks at one of the crime scenes! Plus, when the detectives questioned him, he was acting really weird and creepy… just like how the Zodiac killer is weird and creepy! I mean, is there even any question? This guy did it! Case closed!

Why'd you do it?!?!?!?